Friday, August 12, 2011

Keeping Track of All This!

Last night during my lunch break at work, I began brainstorming ideas for posts for this blog. In a perfect world I would like to have a picture post and a word post a day, but I know that probably won’t happen. I’m a college student after all! But I wrote down several ideas that I’m going to tackle one by one. First up…
I have yet another dilemma about managing this blog. How am I going to keep track of what I have already worn? At the present moment, the clothes that already been featured on this blog are in a pile in the corner of my room. That’s fine and dandy when there are only 5 outfits. But what will I do as I get farther into my wardrobe?
My first thought was post-its. Simply stick a post-it on each worn item with the date it was worn on it. But do you know how many post-it notes that would require? Also, it’s likely the post-it notes would fall off eventually, especially being shuffled through constantly. 
Then I figured a spreadsheet might work. I would simply describe each item and list the brand. Now for shirts this could be effective. But pants? How would I tell one pair of jeans from another? I’ve only got one pair with sparkles on the bottom. The rest are plain. Plus, once again, it might get to be too much of a hassle as the list got bigger.
My current solution is to rearrange my wardrobe where I put everything that has been worn on one side and the unworn to the other. That would require some work on my part, but it would be manageable. 
I might just stuff the worn clothes into a large trash bag until I get so many that I fill the bag up. That should take me 2 weeks or so. Enough time to get my closet ready.
Another fashion blog dilemma solved.
(I hope this wasn’t too wordy. I like words. alot. I’ll probably be too wordy in all of my word posts. Sorry in advance.)

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